Thursday, November 27, 2008

College Prep Continued

In an interesting article "College Stops Giving Students New Email Accounts: Start of a New Trend?" Boston College will now no longer be issuing new accounts stating, "Students have already created digital identities The officials realized that the students already had established digital identities by the time they entered college, so the new email addresses were just not being utilized. The college will offer forwarding services instead."

This may be a new trend, and I am interested in thinking about how high schools can help prepare students for it. Although we too have a difficulty of students to read their school-issued email, I believe that schools need to help them understand digital identities and look at ways to create a their own online dossier, whether it be Facebook, Google accounts, blogs, Twitter, etc. How can they use the web not only for not only connecting now but to also let it grow and develop with them as they grow older?

By the way, is this true?

Also see earlier post on College Prep.

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