Thursday, December 18, 2008

Three for Thursday 12-18-08

I know it has been a while. I have been working in other research which I will post later. Here are some sites that have caught my attention this week.

Cool Resources for the Periodic Table. Science teachers have always been lucky. Ever since I have been collecting resources from the Internet, they have had wonderful visualizations, virtualizations, animations, etc. This is a collection of cool links of the periodic table, an awesome virtualization in itself. I wish I had these when I was in high school.

NIBIPEDIA This is still in Beta, but this could be promising. They started with mashups from TED, which I enjoy. Soon they will allow users to upload their Nibs. Nibs, by the way, are visual bookmarks on a video timeline.

40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes. Great for my Leadership class.

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