Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thinking about your browser

When working with my students, one of the first things I want them to do is become familiar with their browser. Being a very early user of Netscape and old-school HTML editing, I have watched browsers evolve into not only a powerful reading and research tool, but a personal friend as well. There has long been a debate of the use of Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla with each new version trumping the other. Either one works well, but it is best to pick one and learn the ins and outs of that program. Right now, I have been using Mozilla's Firefox, the version, and I am learning more about it each week.

First, there is the concept of tabbed browsing. From Mozilla and a nice writeup on Rash-log on the Benefits of Firefox , tabbed browsing opens links in the same window but with a different tab. For researching purposes this is very helpful. One can switch back and forth between pages without losing the path of research. Very nice!

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